Saturday, August 6, 2011

Nadi Astrology

If someone choose to put up a deep thought on astrology, then he might come up with a question that if an astrological prediction is same for the millions and billions of the people who fall under one same Zodiac Sign. Many people would not believe that millions and billions of people will behave in one same way, and will get to face the same kind of circumstances as predicted by astrology. This might also raise questions about the credibility of astrology on the very first place, and might easily result in disapproval of the entire astrology system. Nadi Astrology, which is considered to be a part of Hindu astrology, holds something which gives a more precise and stable solution for it.

Nadi Astrology Record

Considered to be practiced by the great Sage Agastya and Sage Bhrigu in ancient time, Nadi astrology holds principles which divide each Zodiac Sign into 12 equal sub-divisions of Signs, and further divide each of these sub-divisions of Signs into 27 equal Nakshatras. Sub-lords is an unequal sub-category of the Nakshatras. In Nadi astrology, Sub-lords are considered to be more significant and stronger than Nakshatra, and Nakshatras are considered to be more significant and stronger than the planets.

This system of principles of Zodiac signs, planets, Nakshatras, and Sub-lords, as followed by Nadi astrology holds better chances to deliver more accurate and precise predictions and results than any other system of astrology. The reason behind deriving this verdict is because of the entire system on the basis of which the zodiac planets are reviewed. Nadi astrology follows a three point system for judging planets.

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